Friday, August 7, 2009

back home in Yaounde:)

And so, I have returned to the place that I first called home upon my arrival to Cameroon ... right across the road from the Andersons:) And I have a lovely roommate from Switzerland named Esther, a temporary roommate from Korea named Ha Eun ... and a permanent third roommate from Indiana named Lacey, who is to arrive by plane in just a few hours!

It's so lovely to have some consistent people in my life for a change. I am so looking forward to building relationships with people ... after transitioning from place to place and people to people for two months!

The following is a peak into what my life will look like for the next three weeks or so:

8:30-10:00am Teach 5/6th grade MKs English at FES (parent-run school)
10:00am-12:30pm Audit Grammar Sketch workshop
1:30-300pm Help out in the Scripture Use office
3:00pm-?? Prepare lesson plans:)

Now ... teaching is new to me:) So, I would appreciate your prayers! I am pretty stinkin excited though.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Teaching Methods class will come in handy!

    Stacey, I'm glad to hear you're doing well and God is growing you in some huge ways! I will keep you in my prayers these next few weeks. I love you!

