Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the value of a short-termer

I have been so praised-filled to the Lord to hear people tell me that they have witnessed ways in which I have been of encouragement to the long-termers that I have encountered during my travels throughout Cameroon. All praise to the Lord and His abundant grace that proves Himself strong through our weaknesses!

And, I can even say for myself (although I have only been here three months), that I have been so encouraged by the fresh faces that have arrived to serve as short-termers for various tasks. It is so easy to become discouraged over time, and at times even become desensitized to the incredible work that is going on around you ... and then a new face comes onto the field with fresh vision and passion -- and one cannot help but to be encouraged and refreshed! My charge to you: thinking about a short-term mission trip? any opportunities to go overseas short-term? GO! Not only will you gain a fuller vision of what mission work looks like in action and become a better sender because of it (I'm AMAZED at how much I've learned ... in thinking I already understood so much), but the Lord will use you to encourage, uplift, and sharpen those on the field long-term! GO!

My current loves of my time in Yaounde:

1. My students. Teaching is difficult at times ... but man, these kids are just fabulous ... incredible ... hilarious. I just stinkin like them ... a lot.

2. Building deeper relationships with people I've met along my travels, and starting new ones:)

3. Helping out in the Scripture Use office! I just love a good and concrete task every now and then (updating system that keeps track of all the Bibles and NT translated into Cameroonian languages, helping to publish and assemble Scripture promotion booklets [the parables of Jesus in nine different languages]). NOT TO MENTION: this is God's Word! Getting into the hands of His people! Doesn't get much more exciting:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm officially getting to the point where the thought of leaving Cameroon is quite sad:) I have been truly blessed by the community of single women here (mostly teachers and tutors). To have consistent fellowship after two months of traveling, is a blessing that goes beyond words. The Lord is so faithful!

I will be teaching my first class tomorrow (classes were delayed in starting)! And I'm still excited and nervous:)

Friday, August 7, 2009

back home in Yaounde:)

And so, I have returned to the place that I first called home upon my arrival to Cameroon ... right across the road from the Andersons:) And I have a lovely roommate from Switzerland named Esther, a temporary roommate from Korea named Ha Eun ... and a permanent third roommate from Indiana named Lacey, who is to arrive by plane in just a few hours!

It's so lovely to have some consistent people in my life for a change. I am so looking forward to building relationships with people ... after transitioning from place to place and people to people for two months!

The following is a peak into what my life will look like for the next three weeks or so:

8:30-10:00am Teach 5/6th grade MKs English at FES (parent-run school)
10:00am-12:30pm Audit Grammar Sketch workshop
1:30-300pm Help out in the Scripture Use office
3:00pm-?? Prepare lesson plans:)

Now ... teaching is new to me:) So, I would appreciate your prayers! I am pretty stinkin excited though.